Tuesday, March 20, 2012

~ Happy Birthday Relief Society ~

It was a great evening with all the sisters who came to eat and celebrate the "birth", if you will, of the Relief Society Organization.  What a divine organization! I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful group of women, not only here locally, but also around the globe.  When thought of that way, we are a powerful influence....for good.

A great way to start the evening off. . . with a GAME!  Everybody loves games right?  Speed Dating Revised!  We all got to know our sisters a little bit more by having 1 minute to chat with each sister, asking questions we may not think of.  Like, "If your friends could describe you as an animal, what animal would that be?"  "What book are you currently reading?" and "What is your most prized possession?" These unique questions were loved by all and I was asked if we could make our own "conversation jars" next month. Absolutely!  Now you all have a sneak peek into next month.

What is to be said of our dinner?  Oh my!! Oh MY!!  Was that not wonderful?  A big Thank you to Angie Oceguera, Nicole Hyde, Racquel Feest and Carol Shull for being our dinner committee!  One sister was heard to say, "We should eat like this every night!"  Cafe Rio was the perfect Birthday Dinner.

What a glorious cake!!!  Angie West was our talent behind the blue and gold rose topped cake!  Three layers of decadent goodness.  Chocolate layers and one middle layer of white cake with strawberry's in the center!! Thank you for your time, talent and expertise Angie!

Daughters in my Kingdom has so many wonderful stories and inspirational thoughts.  I hope each one of us will be able to read the book and discover it's truths and life long lessons to be taught from the pages. Thank you to Erin Lewis, Rusty Diaz and Jody Jarvis for helping out with the readings.

Here are some lovely picture below of the fun we had.  Hope to see you next month!

                                      Happy 90th Birthday Sister Lattin!
                                   Happy Birthday to all sisters this YEAR, so far. . .

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Dinner!

What a great evening and fabulous turn out!  All enjoyed Chicken Parmesan, white potatoes, carrots, Linnas rolls and a wonderful salad with poppy seed vinaigrette dressing! And don't forget the love potion (punch). Recipes will be posted.  Thank you to our dinner committee, Michelle, Anna, Linna and Caroline. A big thank you to Ben Shawcroft and the elders for serving, clean up and the awesome dessert!  

We can all agree, I'm sure, that the Kelsey's' did a Fantastic job on their relationship class! What a great couple to have in our ward! Here are some things we learned: Remember to look for the good in all things and situations.  Always focus on the solution and NOT the problem. Validate others when they speak to you.  Listen to them, don't try to fix the problem.  Reframing = restate the problem in a positive way. Reflective listening is repeating what the person has just told you. Positive acknowledgement to anyone over anything is a great habit to get into!

                                     Look at all the couples still in love!!!

                                     Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Torch has been passed. . . and now what to do?

I am so excited to be the new R.S. night meeting. . . ummm person? Leader!  This blog thing is SO new to me and I'm a bit overwhelmed!  (with the blog, not the actual calling.)  I have never blogged before.  I will try my best to figure this out quickly and have great posts that are informative and worthwhile.  So, while I'm in the process of "training" please continue to read and try to follow this lovely blog.  I have HUGE shoes to fill from the last lovely lady that passed the torch to me.  Thank you Pat for setting this blog up.  Making me learn something new because of it.  We love you, we miss you, we still speak of you often and fondly!

Okay glorious women of Fallon 4th.  If there is any advice, tips or tricks you can give me to make this the best blog EVER, feel free to chime in. If there is anything you'd like to see here, let me know.  I'll get me team of experts (me, myself and I) on that!

Love all of you ladies and hope to be blogging proficiently soon!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mark your Calendars!!

The fruit of keeping covenants is the companionship of the Holy Ghost and an increase in the power to love."--Elder Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, Nov. 1996, 32

February 14th will be our Relief Society Meeting. It will be held at 6:30 at the church.  Husbands are invited with a dinner to enjoy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Awesome August Almost Arrives

Mark your calendar... Tuesday, August 9th will be our last Night Relief Society of the summer.  Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 by our Awesome food committee, Cindy, Leslie, Jean, and Tara. 

 We hope there will be something for everyone with the 4 classes we are offering.  If you are undecided about what class you want to take or unsure whether you will be able to attend, as always, you can still come and sit in on any of the classes.  Bring a friend, a neighbor, a daughter, all are welcome.  

A nursery will be provided.  It would be helpful if you would let us know if you will need the nursery.  Call Amiee B. or email us at fabulousfallon4th@hotmail.com.

One Hour Life Story - Have you ever wanted to get your life story written down but felt overwhelmed by the task.  This class will simplify the project and show you how, in about an hour, you can write all the basic, important information of your life.  Then as you have time, you can add to your writings as much or as little as you like.  This outline can also be used to interview family members, parents, and grandparents, as you gather family histories. It really makes it easy!

Family Home Evening - This month we are making an all-purpose game board that can be used with any lesson or activity AND a family favorite game "Don't Eat Pete".  Write your own T or F questions, fill in the blank, or answer as a team and it's a great way to review!  There will be a small charge for supplies. 

Quote Book/Scripture Journal  - We will be making a vintage style journal book that can be used for your favorite quotes, poems, thoughts, and scriptures.  It will be similar to the photo below, covered with heavy fabric and fit in with your scriptures or in a purse.  ( I love mine!)  We are thinking around $6 to $8 dollars.

There will not be time to take more than one class but the game board could be made at home if you want just the supplies.  Due to the time involved for preparation there will be a limit of 1 per person.

 We look forward to seeing you all there!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thanks To All

We had a great turn-out for our July Meeting.  Surprising for a summer month so a BIG thanks to all who came and all who helped with the evening. 

Brenda H., Kelli Y., and Lisa B. talked about ESP - Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical well-being and we all went home with some good reminders of ways to improve and strengthen ourselves.  It is so nice to have a mid-week "pick me up". 

Shirl T. taught a group of ladies some basic water aerobics and it was a real kick! (Get it?)  Meanwhile sisters were trying their aim at horseshoes and others were visiting.  We don't often have an opportunity to just visit and get to know each other a little better so this was a rare treat to gab.

We want to thank our food committee for the night, Erin L. Annie C. Julie S. Shawna L. and Lisa B. We ladies are always so glad we didn't have to cook for the night!

A very special thanks goes to Susan R. for opening her home, yard, and pool to us.  We all know what kind of work goes in to getting a home ready for company, so we really appreciate Susan for her generosity.  ( And Carl for mowing the lawn)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Grandma's Summer Project

Calling all Grandma's!  Here's a summer project you can do for your grandchildren.  Put together some stories, games, and activities for Family Night.  This is a wonderful Christmas gift and you can make it as simple or as over-the-top as you want.
Start with some basic games that can be used for lesson review or just for fun.  Like Fish: make a fishing pole out of a stick with a string tied to one end and a magnet on the other.  Make fish out of colored cardstock and attach paperclip to mouth.  Who doesn't love a good game of fish??  So simple but an old favorite too.
     Make an all purpose game board that can be pulled out any time to review to a lesson.  The person has to answer the question correctly to move his game piece.

A good place to start with Family Night Ideas is the Children's Friend.  There are tons of stories, activities, and pictures that can be torn out or copied from the magazine or printed from online. Obviously there are many websites and blogs that have FHE ideas.  Place in a file and label.  Include in a zip lock bag the essentials:  chalk, eraser, pencils, markers, crayons, tape, dice, paper, scissors and anything else that would be convenient to have ready for FHE.
Now Mothers, you can jump on the bandwagon too. This could be a fun summer project for you and the kids.  Everyone can get involved coloring, cutting, choosing games and stories.  Once you've made up your stories and activities and organized them into a convenient place, you will always have them.  Especially for those Mondays when time is short and you just want to "grab and go"!                               
                                 Good Luck and Happy Family Home Evening!